Aleksandr V. Burenin

Science degree
Additional information

Scientific advisor for graduate theses at FEFU, School of Engineering.

Research highlights

It was experimentally shown that placing a sound source on the shelf near the bottom and shoreline allows to form a continuous illumination zone and a stable impulse characteristic in the deep sea (near the axis of the underwater sound channel). Series of scientific papers show that this is due to the optimal alignment of location of the sound source, parameters of the signals with the hydro-acoustic characteristics of the marine environment for effective excitation and propagation of low-frequency signals. The use of this fundamental effect allowed to develop and implement the methods and technical means for solving oceanological problems (measurement and monitoring of temperature and current fields) and enhance robotic complexes with high-precision navigation and information systems.

For example, this allowed to measure the distance to a receiving system, located at a distance up to 200 miles, with an accuracy up to a hundredth of a percent and provide data transfer rate up to 100 baud. In the following works, experimental and numerical studies of the effects of hydrological conditions in different seasons on the ability to solve the above-mentioned applied problems were continued. The results of the presented works currently present the basis for the development of the Russian Foundation for Advanced Research with the purpose of creating and improving the efficiency of advanced robotic systems.

Key publications

1. В.В. Безответных, А.В. Буренин, Ю.Н. Моргунов, Ю.А. Половинка Экспериментальные исследования особенностей распространения импульсных сигналов из шельфа в глубокое море // Акустический журнал. 2009. Т. 55, № 3, С. 374–380.

2. В.А. Акуличев, В.В. Безответных, А.В. Буренин, Е.А. Войтенко, Ю.Н. Моргунов Эксперимент по оценке влияния вертикального профиля скорости звука в точке излучения на шельфе на формирования импульсной характеристики в глубоком море // Акустический журнал. 2010. Т. 56. № 1, С. 51–52.

3. Моргунов Ю.Н., Безответных В.В., Буренин А.В., Войтенко Е.А. Исследование влияния гидрологических условий на распространение псевдослучайных сигналов из шельфа в глубокое море // Акустический журнал. 2016. Т. 62, № 3, с. 341–347.

4. Моргунов Ю.Н., Безответных В.В., Буренин А.В., Голов А.А. Распространение импульсных псевдослучайных сигналов из шельфа в глубокое море в зимних гидрологических условиях Японского моря // Акустический журнал. 2017., том 63, № 6, с. 646–650.

5. Моргунов Ю.Н., Безответных В.В., Буренин А.В., Войтенко Е.А., Голов А.А. Экспериментальное тестирование технологии высокоточной подводной акустической дальнометрии // Акустический журнал, 2018, том 64, №2, с. 191–196.


Certificate of CRDF (USA), U.S. Student Program in Acoustics - American Acoustical Society. February 4, 2008. RX0-1210(8)-XX-04

Area of expertise
  • Digital signal processing
  • Submarine communication
  • Acoustic tomography of the ocean
  • Position of underwater objects
  • Far Eastern State University (2005), physicist
  • Ph.D. in physics and mathematics (2013)
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