Alexey M. Trukhin

Science degree
Academic title
associate professor
Research highlights
  • Determining the gender and age composition and reproductive potential of the populations of true seals in the Okhotsk and Bering seas upon commercial sample analysis
  • Determining the sociodemographic structure and status of intra-population groups of fur seals in the reproductive rookery during the depression state of the group
  • Determining the status and main population parameters of the spotted seal in the Western part of the Sea of Japan
  • Determining the main reproductive indicators and dynamics of the sea lions number in rookeries in the Russian part of the species range
  • Describing the nature of pinnipeds rookery functioning in the North East of Sakhalin island under conditions of increasing technogenic loads on the habitat
  • Determining the content and concentrations of the main pollutants (toxic metals and organochlorine pollutants, HCH and DDT) in spotted seals in the Peter the Great Bay
Key publications

Monographs and monograph chapters

  1. Трухин А.М. 2000. Морские млекопитающие северных Курильских островов: распределение, численность, современное состояние. Гл. 4. В кн.: Водные биологические ресурсы северных Курильских островов. М.: ВНИРО. С. 129-154.
  2. Костенко В. А., Нестеренко В. А., Трухин А.М. Млекопитающие Курильского архипелага. Владивосток: Дальнаука. 187 с.
  3. Трухин А.М. 2005. Ларга. Владивосток: Дальнаука. 246 с.
  4. Трухин А.М. 2008. Пестрая нерпа (Phoca largha Pallas, 1811) в экосистеме залива Петра Великого. В кн.: Современное состояние и тенденции изменения природной среды залива Петра Великого Японского моря (отв. ред. А.С.Астахов, В.Б.Лобанов). М.: ГЕОС. С. 243-261.
  5. An, Y.-R., Kim, H.W., Trukhin, A., Watanuki, Y., Lobanov, V. 2016. Chapter 6 Marine birds and mammals., pp. 123–143. In: K. Kim, V. Lobanov, T. Gamo, S. Jung, Y. Zuenko, and J. Ishizaka. [Eds.] Marine Ecosystem of the North Pacific Ocean 2003–2008: Japan/East Sea. PICES Special Publication 5. 143 pp.
  6. Беликов С.Е., Бурканов В.Н., Варенцов М.И.,... Трухин А.М.,...Морские  млекопитающие Российской Арктики и Дальнего Востока : атлас / ООО "Арктический Научный Центр". М. 2017. 311 с.

Papers in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Кузин А. Е., Набережных И. А., Трухин А.М. 1996. Социодемографическая структура и статус интрапопуляционных группировок северного морского котика острова Тюленьего // Экологические исследования морских млекопитающих Дальнего Востока. Изв. ТИНРО. Т. 121. С. 85-108.
  2. Трухин А.М. 1996. Межгодовая динамика возрастной структуры кольчатой нерпы северо-западной популяции Охотского моря // Экологические исследования морских млекопитающих Дальнего Востока. Изв. ТИНРО. Т. 121. С. 117-119.
  3. Trukhin A.M., Mizuno A.W. 2002. Distribution and abundance of the largha seal (Phoca largha Pall.) on the coast of Primorye Region (Russia): a literature review and survey report // Mammal Study. 27(1): 1-14.
  4. Трухин А.М. 2002. Южная граница распространения лахтака в Японском море и ее экологическая обусловленность // Вестник ДВО РАН. № 3. С. 105-109.
  5. Трухин А.М. 2003. Влияние океанологических и гидробиологических условий на зимнее распределение ларги (Phoca largha) в Охотском и Беринговом морях // Океанология. 43(3). С. 410-418.
  6. Трухин А.М., Блохин С. А. 2003. Особенности функционирования поливидового лежбища настоящих тюленей (Phocidae) в районе добычи углеводородного сырья на шельфе о. Сахалин // Экология. № 5. С. 358-364. 2004.
  7. Трухин А.М. 2008. Выживаемость и степень участия в размножении разновозрастных аборигенных сивучей (Eumetopias jubatus) на репродуктивном лежбище острова Райкоке // Известия ТИНРО-центра. Т. 152. №1. С. 121-131.
  8. Trukhin A.M. 2009. Current status of Pinnipeds in the Sea of Okhotsk // Proceedings of the fourth Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas. PICES Scientific Report. No. 36. Publisher North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES). P. 82-89.
  9. Burkanov V., E.Gurarie, A. Altukhov, E. Mamaev, P. Permyakov, A. Trukhin, T.Gelatt. 2011. Environmental and biological factors influencing maternal attendance patterns of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Russia // Journal of Mammalogy. 92(2): 352–366.
  10. Trukhin A.M. 2011. Past and current status of pinnipeds in the sea of Okhotsk // Proceedings of the Japan-Russia cooperation symposium on the conservation of the ecosystem in Okhotsk. 12: 225-229.
  11. Трухин А.М., Слинько Е.Н., Колосова Л.Ф. 2012. Микроэлементы группы металлов в органах пестрой нерпы (Phoca largha) Японского моря // Известия ТИНРО. Т. 169. С. 110-117.
  12. Алтухов А.В., Пермяков П.А., Андрюс Р.Д., Бурканов В.Н., Калкинс Д.Г., Трухин А.М., Жилет Т.С. 2012. Смертность взрослых сивучей на репродуктивных лежбищах в российской части ареала в 2002–2010 годах // Биология моря. 38(6): 471-476.
  13. Трухин А.М., Колосова Л.Ф., Слинько Е.Н. 2013. Токсичные элементы в моржах (Odobenus rosmarus divergens, Linnaeus 1785) Берингова моря // Исследования водных биологических ресурсов Камчатки и северо-западной части Тихого океана. Вып. 28. С. 140-146.
  14. Trukhin A.M., Boyarova M.D. 2013. Chlorinated Pesticides in Tissues and Organs of Spotted Seals (Phoca largha Pallas, 1811) from the Sea of Japan // Contemporary Problems of Ecology. Vol. 6(3): 336–342.
  15. Пермяков П.А., Рязанов С.Д., Трухин А.М., Мамаев Е.Г., Бурканов В.Н. 2014. Успешность размножения сивуча Eumetopias jubatus (Schreber, 1776) на островах Брат Чирпоев и Медный в 2001-2011 годах // Биология моря. Т. 40, № 6. С. 449-454.
  16. Кузин А.Е., Трухин А.М. 2014. Масса позвонков по отделам позвоночного столба у ластоногих (Hinnipedia) и способ их локомоции // Зоологический журнал. Т. 93. № 11. С. 1369-1374.
  17. Трухин А.М. 2015. Современная численность ларги (Phoca largha) в Дальневосточном морском заповеднике: неустойчивое равновесие или устойчивый рост? // Известия ТИНРО. Т. 182. С. 48-54.
  18. Trukhin A.M., Kolosova L.F., Slin'ko E.N. 2015. Heavy Metals in the Organs of Pacific Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) from the Chukchi Peninsula // Russian Journal of Ecology. Vol. 46(6): 592–595.
  19. Trukhin A.M., Simokon M.V. 2018. Mercury in the organs of Pacific Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) from the Bering Sea // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25(4): 3360-3367.
  20. Trukhin A.M., Kalinchuk V.V. 2018. Hair Mercury Concentrations in the Spotted Seal (Phoca largha) Pup from the Sea of Japan // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25(27): 27133-27140.
  21. Trukhin A.M. 2018. Northern Fur Seal (Callorhinus ursinus Linnaeus 1758) in the Far Eastern Marine Reserve // Биота и Среда ООПТ мира. № 4. С. 123.
  22. Trukhin A. M., Permyakov P. A. 2019. The dynamics of the community of true seals (Phocidae) in Piltun Bay, Sakhalin Island, during the ice-free seasons of 1999 and 2014–2016 // Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 45(1): 1–5. DOI: 10.1134/S1063074019010097
  23. Kuzin A.E., Trukhin A.M. 2019. Entanglement of northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) in marine debris on Tyuleniy Island (Sea of Okhotsk) in 1998–2013 // Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019. Vol. 143. P. 187-192. DOI: 10/1016/j.marpolbul.2019.04.051
  24. Trukhin A.M. 2019. Spotted seal (Phoca largha) population increase in the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan // Marine Mammal Science. 2019. 35(3): 1183-1191. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12588
  25. Trukhin A.M., Boyarova M.D. 2020. Organochlorine pesticides (HCH and DDT) in blubber of spotted seals (Phoca largha) from the western Sea of Japan // Marine Pollution Bulletin.  Volume 150, January 2020, 110738 DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110738.
Contributions to conferences

In total, 32 oral reports were made at international symposia and conferences; the essential are as follows (for the last decade): 

  • North Pacific Marine Science Organization the 4-th PICES Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent waters. Abashiri, Japan: Tokyo University of Agriculture. August 27-29, 2008.
  • Fourth Workshop on the Okhotsk Sea and Adjacent Areas. PICE. Japan, Sapporo. March, 7-9, 2009.
  • International symposium on the ecological status of spotted seals. Incheon, Korea. February, 23, 2010.
  • The 2nd of the Jap.-Rus. Simposium on the conservation of the ecosystem in Okhotsk. Sapporo, Japan. May, 14-15, 2011.
  • The Japan-Russia 3rd Workshop on Cooperation on the Preservation of the Ecosystem in the neighboring areas of Japan and Russia. Khabarovsk, February 16-17, 2015.
  • 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. San Francisco, California, USA, December, 13-18, 2015.
  • The 10, 12, 13 14 Meeting of the Joint Committee on Environmental Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the Russian Federation. 4-5 February 2016, Seoul, R. Korea; 25-26 October 2017; Seoul, R. Korea, 21-23 October, Moscow; 6-8 November 2019, Seoul, R. Korea.
  • International symposium on the ecological status of spotted seals. Jeju, R.Korea. February, 24, 2016.
  • 2nd KAST-FEB RAS Bilateral Symposium "Korea-Russia cooperation on transboundary issues in Northeast Asia. Seoul, Korea, 25 May 2016.
  • Korea-Russia Cooperation on Transboundary Issues in Northeast Asia. Seoul, Republic of Korea. May 25, 2016.
  • IX International Conference "Marine Mammals of the Holarctic". Astrakhan'. October 31 – November 5, 2016.
  • Environmental changes in the North Pacific and impacts on biological resources and ecosystem services. PICES. September 22 - October 1, 2017. Vladivostok, Russia.
  • The Twelfth Meeting of the Joint Committee on Environmental Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of the Russian Federation. 25-26 October 2017, Seoul, R. Korea
Area of expertise
  • Environmental science
  • Protection of marine mammals in the North Pacific
Involvement in national and international projects
  • Russian-American project "Sea lion Research in the North Pacific", 2002-2010, executing partner
  • Research of pinnipeds in North-Eastern Sakhalin within the framework of the agreement on the research services no. A2294237 between POI FEB RAS and Exxon Neftegaz limited , 2014-2017, project manager
  • International projects "Study of pinniped migrations in the Sea of Japan", "Study of the genetic structure of sea lions" within the framework of the environmental protection agreement concluded between the governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea. 2016 - present time, executive in charge
  • Far-Eastern State University (1981), biologist, biology and chemistry teacher
  • Ph.D.
  • Associate professor
Advanced research
  • Analysis of the results obtained in 2014-2017 on the coastal pinnipeds rookery on the North-Eastern coast of Sakhalin island (Piltun Bay)
  • Determining the essential parameters of the rookery, its functioning, the impact of anthropogenic factors on the rookery community under the impact of oil companies’ activity
  • Studying the migration potential of pinnipeds in the Sea of Japan using modern satellite telemetry methods
  • Studying the contamination of Far Eastern pinnipeds with organic and inorganic pollutants