Mikhail S. Lebedev

Science degree
Additional information

Research in other institutions

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Republic of Korea), researcher (since 2012)

Research highlights
  • Developing an acoustic monitoring technique for vertical temperature distribution based on ocean radial tomography schemes in shallow waters, harbors, bays, bays, spills, strait zones
  • Developing an acoustic system for monitoring the speed and direction of currents in shallow water areas
Key publications
  1. Половинка Ю.А., Азаров А.А., Лебедев М.С. Гидроакустический комплекс и методика измерений гидрофизических параметров среды в мелководных акваториях // Приборы и техника эксперимента, 2013, № 1, с.103
  2. Акуличев В.А., Моргунов Ю.Н., Голов А.А., Азаров А.А., Лебедев М.С. Экспериментальная апробация метода повышения точности системы позиционирования подводных объектов // Доклады Академии наук, 2013, том 449, № 6, с. 701–704.
  3. Ю. Н. Моргунов, В. В. Безответных, А. А. Голов, М. С. Лебедев, Kiseon Kim, Ju-Sam Park «Экспериментальная апробация аппаратно-программного комплекса для дистанционного измерения скорости течений и температур в мелководных акваториях» // Акустический журнал, 2014, T. 60, № 6, с. 623-632.
  4. Моргунов Ю.Н., Голов А.А., Лебедев М.С. Исследование влияния вариаций поля температур на точность измерения дистанций до подводных объектов//Акустический журнал. 2014. Т. 60. № 1. С. 56.
  5. Morgunov Yu. N., Bezotvetnykh V.V., Lebedev M.S., Golov A.A., Kim Kiseon Real-time remote current velocity and direction estimation by means of hydroacoustic reciprocal sound transmission method // Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2015, Т. 24, № 1.
  6. Strobykin D.S., Burenin A.V., Voitenko E.A., Lebedev M.S. Study of flow field acoustic monitoring by the reciprocal sound transmission method in very shallow water conditions // Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 2015, Т. 24, № 1. Art.no. POMA-D-15-00138
Contributions to conferences
  • International conference Flows and Fluxies in Fluids (Vladivostok, 2011)
  • 5th International Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustic Conference (Vladivostok, 2015)
Area of expertise
  • Shallow sea acoustics
  • Acoustic ocean tomography
  • Submarine sound navigation and communication
  • Digital processing of signals
Involvement in national and international projects

Projects of the Russian-Korean Center (POI FEB RAS and Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST))

  • G.I. Nevelskoy Maritime State University (2009), engineer
  • Ph.D. in Engineering (2017)
Advanced research
  • Developing acoustic tomography methods for shallow areas of the Sea of Japan and Korea Strait
  • Developing submarine sound navigation and communication technologies for very-long-distance propagation of acoustic signals from the shelf to the deep sea (in the North-West Pacific)