Yury N. Morgunov

Science degree
8 (423) 231-1631
Contributions to conferences

Member of the Organization and Scientific Committee of international Pacific Rim Underwater Conference, 2015


Winner of the Academician V.I. Ilichev Award for a series of works "Development of acoustic tools and methods for the World Ocean study and exploration"

Area of expertise
  • Acoustics
  • Hydrophysics
Involvement in national and international projects
  • Hardware and software complex for acoustic thermometry of shallow water areas, non-government funded, 2012
  • Investigation of micro-heterogeneities of the marine environment (using acoustic sensing) and propagation of acoustic signals in the shallow sea with purpose of ensuring navigation and communication of underwater objects. 12-I-P-23, budgetary funds, 2012-2014
  • Telecommunications complex for hydrophysical data collection and analysis and transmitting commands to control underwater objects in shelf zones. 13-NTP II-09, budgetary funds, 2013-2014
  • Improved monitoring system for the marine environment variability in sea harbors, extrabudgetary funds, 2014
  • Research of regularities of vector-scalar and nonlinear hydroacoustic fields formation for solving fundamental and applied problems of the Far-Eastern Seas. 15-I-1-046, budgetary funds, 2015-2017
  • Improved monitoring system for marine environment variability in sea harbors for ultra-shallow waters, extrabudgetary funds, 2015
  • Development and experimental testing of a prototype hardware and software system for studying and monitoring the structure and dynamics of waters in shallow water areas using vector acoustics methods (Section 2), 15-I-1-012, budgetary funds, 2015-2017
  • "Experimental study of the spatial-frequency structure of scalar-vector sound fields created by a moving underwater source of sound in the marine environment," extrabudgetary funds, 2015-2016
  • Exploring the possibility of creating high-quality submarine navigation and long-range communications technologies, extrabudgetary funds, 2016
  • Experimental research on fish-counting technology, extrabudgetary funds, 2016
  • Echo sensing complex for aquatic organisms observation (ECO), extrabudgetary funds, 2016
Research fellowhsip affiliation
Member of the editorial board of the journal “Submarine Researches and Robotics” since 2006
Scientific Director of the Russian-Korean Center for Maritime and Information Technology (MT-IT)
  • V.V. Kuibyshev Far-Eastern Polytechnical Institute, 1969